Sunday, July 24, 2011

Somewhere Near the Corner of LOVE and Happiness...

Long day of work today, but I'm grateful for the work. I came home, did a little laundry, threw on my grey capri sweats. I wore them on PJ/Toga night on the cruise. They're comfy and they make me happy. I chose not to wear a toga that night for the simple fact that togas are not conducive to bustin' a move on the dance floor. Granted they *are* conducive to certain views of certain things that.....I'mma need a minute.

Where was I? Oh yes, my night. I then steamed some jasmine rice (my favorite), made some ramen, copped a squat on the couch to watched The Adjustment Bureau with Mom. I LOVE this movie. It's a movie about fate, and chance, and the choices we make when we happen to have these things move us around like pawns in a game of chess. Or checkers. Or...I dunno.  I'll stick with what I know. GO FISH! Or Crazy 8's. I love that card game. Although....TOTALLY off track. My bad.

When we first moved back to DSM from the Twin Cities, my "plan" was to open a dance studio here and put down roots, back in the city I grew up in. I started volunteering in the elementary and middle schools around the city and going in during PE classes and teaching Hip Hop during their dance units. It has always been important for me to get dance to those who have a certain stereotype of what dance is. To teach those who otherwise wouldn't have an opportunity to take an actual class because their parents can't afford the expense. And to also teach those who may not have parents that will allow them to take actual lessons, for fear of what others may think of them or their kid(s). I'm talking primarily about boys.

My kids both took dance when I was the Assistant Director of Hudson Dance Academy. My son was the only boy for a while. We had a conversation about it. He once said, "Mom, the boys at school tease me about dancing." I responded with, "To which you say to them, what?" He answered me with a shit eating grin on his face, " Laugh if you want fellas but I'm the only boy in a room where I'm surrounded by girls. Life is good!" SMH *laughing* Leos. What are ya gonna do? It makes me happy that my son is not afraid to dance. Was Ballet his favorite thing? Nope. But is the foundation of all dance and he was required to take it. If he hadn't he wouldn't have discovered that he loves to tap. :)

This is the speech that I give when I enter a gym full of a couple hundred kids, and sit them down before I start the class.

"Dance is art. BUT, it is also a sport. It is the quiet assistant to every gifted athlete. Dance makes you stronger. Your muscles leaner. It makes you more agile, more flexible. All these things make for a better athlete. Fellas I bet you money, that  every great athlete has taken a dance class of some kind. (What?!) Now, stand up and get ready to work. OH! Before I forget there are a couple more things. One, at the end of class we will have a dance off. It will be boys against girls. I will tell you this, In EVERY school I have gone to teach in, the girls are excited, the boys cringe, but when all is said and done, the boys...9 times out of 10 will out dance the girls. (Insert the girls booing here) Are they better dancers? Sometimes. Then Why? Their attitude is better."

"Girls have a tendency to 'cop' an attitude. Boys have a tendency to not care if they can do the steps perfectly, they care about impressing the girls. (insert boys booing here) For cereal! Stand up. (They stand) won't believe me now, but when you get older, there is nothing cooler to a girl than a guy that can dance. TRUST me. Just ask your Mom. (Insert gym teachers cheering and agreeing with me here). Now, you ready to work?! (YEAH!) Ok....I just have ONE rule. The word 'can't' is not allowed in my class.....ever. Because yes you can and we'll do it TOGETHER. (What happens if we say the word can't?) If you say that word and I hear you, you have to do 50 push ups, or V-sits, or sit ups, or whatever else will make you rethink you using that word. lol Now let's dance."

And yes there have been many kids that have had to do those 50 push ups or V-sits or....but they tend to do a set of 50 only once. ;)

I haven't opened my studio.  Life decided that I was to take a different path. It's funny how that works isn't it?  I am meant for other things. I can always open a studio. Even when I no longer have the physical ability to demonstrate the movements, I can still articulate them to those who can. While I still am able, I will pursue what I am meant to. As my girls Lynn and April like to say "The pursuit of FLYYYYYYYY." lol

I like to call it The Road of Life... Somewhere Near the Corner of LOVE and Happiness. :)

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