Thursday, August 4, 2011


I use the word 'perfection' a lot. It is a staple in my vocabulary. However, there is no such thing as perfect. One can always improve upon something. Always. So, when I use the word, it simply means that something or someone is perfect to me. That being said, here are a few things that are, in my eyes....PERFECTION. :)

My kids. Their personalities and their similarities. Every day I am amazed by who they are and all they will be.

The artistry and briliance of Michael Jackson.


The colors purple and orange. Especially at the end of the day when they flow seamlessly together as the sun sets.

Pasta. I LOVE Italian food. Chinese is a close second followed by Filipino food. Although, my favorite meal is a perfectly grilled steak served with pasta. I'm salivating just thinking about it.

The way the sun feels on my face.

An open dance floor and a loud sound system.

The seconds before the curatin drops at the beginning of a NKOTB concert.

The intro into Hangin Tough during a live show. Other than a live performance, it's actually my least favorite NKOTB song.

The acoustic version of Coming Home.

The sound of Jordan 'doodling' on the piano.

Joe singing....anything.

The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich

Cuff bracelets. They are my weakness.

My Adidas.

My relationship with my bestie. She's the best relationship I've ever had.

The smell of Fall.

The creative energy of NYC.

The little chapel on Half Moon Cay.

Being read to.

Holding hands with someone I love. The simple act of taking my hand is perfection.

A knowing look during a stolen moment.

Wild purple orchids.

The smell of a baby as I hold it and rock it to sleep.


Road trips.

Falling in love with a song.

When a man holds a door open for me. For that matter....


These are just a few of the things I list in my category of 'perfection'. I could go on for days with this list.  Granted, there will only be a handful of people who will know what this even means, and I'm quite okay with that, but I did however, save the best for last...

My Lobster.


  1. My Lobster = Daddy... wait. ;)

    Hehehehe... that's an inside joke so don't anyone panic! Love you mama! So so so so much!

  2. *happy sigh* But seriously, we *must* fix that whole me-being-the-best-relationship-you've-ever-had thing.

  3. AMES: Lol! I love you back Peanut!

    Mel: *sigh* Indeed.
