Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ahhh yes....Fall.

I'm ready for Fall. I decided that today as I got into my car to go to work and the temp read 97 degrees. I enjoy Summer, don't get me wrong. My Pacific islander blood needs sun. That being said, Fall is my favorite season. It always has been, ever since I was a little girl. I love the changing of the seasons. I think I would have a hard time living on the West Coast. I was raised in the Midwest. I need to see the seasons change. The way the leaves change from green, to orange, to gold. So beautiful to me. Plus, my birthday is September 15th. :)

To be able to pull out my sweaters, sweatshirts, jeans and boots makes me happy. The scent of bonfires. I LOVE bonfires. I could sit around a bonfire all night. They remind me of camping. I like to camp. Been a while since I've gone and I'm fairly certain my kids have never been. I need to fix that.

Fall also means football. I love football. Not a huge college fan, although I do love my Hawkeyes. It's funny because Mel is an Iowa State fan, so anytime they play each other we have a bit of a rivalry for that day. One of our yin yang things. Kinda like politics. She's a Republican, and I am not. I'm an Independent, although I lean heavily on the Democratic side. I like to absorb information before forming my opinion. I don't follow blindly. If you know us, you may find it odd that she's the conservative and I'm the liberal. And yet, we value each other's opinions and respect each others beliefs. We agree to disagree and that's it. End of discussion. See kids, it *is* possible. lol

Back to football. I managed my Varsity H.S. football team when I was younger. The year my Mom died and the year after. I, at first did it because I love the game. Then I realized I could watch a certain boy I liked run up and down the field all day. That was a bonus. A manager is different than a trainer. A trainer gets to tape up the guys and help with injuries. A manager helps with gear, balls, water, and various other things. I liked to warm up the QB. Sometimes, I'd help the kicker run practice drills. Things of that nature. I went to Dowling Catholic H.S. where we were known for football. Still are actually. If you look down at the building from the sky it's in the shape of a cross. I always thought that was cool.

Anyway, Fall always brings back those memories. The cool air and being on the field. LOVEd it! If you were to ask me what my favorite team is, I don't have one. Being from Iowa you tend to like an Iowa team but you don't really have a pro team to get behind. I'm a fan of players. QB's mostly. I was an Aikman fan for years, then I was a Favre fan. Love him or hate him the man threw a mean ball. But I also liked Steve Young, John Elway and Drew Bledsoe when he was with the Pats. Unless they were playing Green Bay. I like Payton Manning. Yeah I know. ;)  Can't stand Romo. Sorry. lol  The last pro game I went to was a Vikings game years ago. I need to fix that too.

Fearless list # well....I don't really have a Fearless list yet, but when I do, I'm putting going to a Super Bowl down somewhere on that list.

I  got sidetracked. My bad. Where was I? Ahhh yes. Fall. My favorite holiday is Halloween. Can't tell ya why exactly. Perhaps I just liked putting on a costume and getting candy. It was so much fun when you got to wear your costume to school as kid and had Halloween parties. Kids can't do that anymore. Sad really. I remember one year it was so cold my parents made me wear my light blue puffy jacket over my costume. It was a Wonder Woman costume complete with the mask that all the boxed costumes had back then. You know the kind of mask with the thin elastic string that always broke or ripped the cheap plastic? You couldn't even see my costume and my coat was the WRONG blue! I was SO mad. I remember telling whoever asked me "Trick or Treat", "I'm Wonder Woman but you just can't see it 'cause my parents made me wear this stupid coat, but I promise I really AM Wonder Woman!" Sometimes they would take pity on me and give me the 'good' candy. The old people who had no clue what I was talking about would just smile and nod at me then drop the stupid popcorn ball in my bag.

1 comment:

  1. I love fall, too. Bring on hot chocolate at HS FB games, puffy coats, crunchy leaves and HALLOWEEEEEEEEEN!
