Thursday, September 29, 2011


Today...remember that you were put on this earth for a reason, for however long or short and breathe deep knowing you are okay. If you woke're already a step ahead.

Help anyone who may need it in whatever way they may need it. Giving shouldn't be a designated day. It should be something we do continuously without expectation.

Answer questions with patience and understanding. We are all here to learn from one another. If we had all the answers there would be no reason to form relationships. When one learns, one must then teach. Ignorance leads to hate.

Not assume anything about anyone. Keeping an open mind and a willing heart allows for beautiful experiences. We are all different and yet......not.

Keep moving forward. Some days the road will wind to the right and sometimes to the left. Sometimes it even leads you in a circle to start back at one, but only when there is a lesson to be learned. Once you have learned the lesson, the road will straighten itself back out and you can carry on. Pay attention to the signs. They are there for a reason. To help guide your intuition.

Feel more......think less.

Use the gifts you have been given. Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God.


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