Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Wish on a Cloud...

Starting day 6 in a row of my long week of work. Would not normally be a big deal for me to work consecutively like this but it was NOT a good weekend for me at the store. Having a stress induced panic attack while you're in the middle of hosting a birthday party is not exactly a good time. It's SO not the way to keep my blood pressure down. High blood pressure hurts my kidneys. Enough about that.

Yesterday I think my body finally felt the effects of the weekend, as it did not want to cooperate with me. Of course it didn't help that I decided to deep clean each of the party rooms at work on Monday. Frosting can be tricky to get out of carpet and I felt like Cinderella scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing...

I had a fitful night's rest, but this is nothing new. Waking up 3-4 times throughout the course of 4-6 hours is par for the course. At one point I noticed that my bestie was awake too. Again. We are not creatures of sleep ( see blog post Sleep is for Amateurs ).

As I sit here taking my few moments of zen, it begins to rain. Which means I need to hurry up and finish this blog so I can jump into the shower before I have to take my kids to the bus stop so they aren't standing out in it for too long.

My whole reason for this blog is because I've been slacking a bit on my 365 blog challenge. I've been busy and my mind has not had time to slow down and form a cohesive thought. Even now, I feel all over the place. lol

I woke up this morning with the thought of a sister I had and never had a chance to know. Weird huh? Perhaps I have spoken of her before, I cannot remember and I don't have the time to go back through my blogs and find out. Her name was Anna Lisa. I am her namesake. She died from heart complications when she was 3 months old. She was born and buried in the Philippines and when a volcano erupted was swept away along with countless others and taken under by a sea of lava. So I wouldn't know where to find her even if I wanted to.

I have a thing about going to the cemetery and visiting those who have passed. I rarely go visit my Mother's headstone. Her headstone was a Christmas Wish granted to me from a local radio station when I was a teenager. We couldn't afford a marker for her grave at the time, barely being able to afford her funeral expense. There was very little life insurance for her. So I took a chance and submitted my Christmas Wish request. I remember the morning I got the phone call that my wish was being granted. I was getting ready to leave for school. I didn't want a million dollars, I just wanted to be able to find my Mom at the cemetery. A year had gone by at the time since her death and I couldn't handle her being known as location L12. Needless to say I was a bawling mess driving to school that day.

I talk to my Mom often, wherever I am. I don't need to sit in front of her headstone to do that. She isn't there. Her body is, but her spirit isn't. My bestie talks to her too. *giggling* I was happy to get my wish granted. Not for me, but out of respect for my Mom. A symbol, that she was here. That she mattered. That she was my world. And for those who need to the tangible site to go and have a conversation. I do not. I "visit" her once a year......IF I can find her under the snow.

My theory is that she's either in the Jungle Room hanging out with Elvis or sitting on a cloud with Lobster Sr., looking down and conspiring. Hey, ya never know!  Stranger things have happened. The idea makes me smile. :)

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