Friday, September 9, 2011


I can tell you exactly what I was doing that fateful day in September...10 years ago...

We were living in a townhouse just outside of St. Paul. I was a stay at home Mom at the time, having just given birth to my daughter three months before the attack. I was chasing after Handsome, who had turned 2 that July and was quite an active little Superman. I had just finished feeding Rabbit and putting her in her swing.  In the midst of this usual morning chaos, my then husband called me and said, "Turn on the TV. Now."

I found the remote, flipped on the TV, and stood and watched just as the second plane flew into the World Trade Center. Suddenly, it was like all of the sound was sucked out of the room. I wasn't quite sure what I was seeing at first. Then, like coming up out of the deep end for air, I slowly heard the reporters and as the sound grew louder I sort of snapped back to attention and just sank onto the couch. I was, like everyone else at the time, in such shock and disbelief that it wouldn't register. My brain could not wrap around the idea that it was real.

We know all too well that it was very, very real.

I cannot offer any words of solace to the families of the loved ones whose lives were brutally taken that day. My thoughts and prayers cannot bring their loved ones back or bring them peace of mind. My profound gratitude and respect to the men and women who risk and sacrifice their lives to protect this country on a daily basis, will not effect them one way or another. They do not see me, they do not hear me, and the decision that they made to enter into their chosen profession had nothing whatsoever to with me personally.


I come from a military family. My father served in the Air Force and my younger brother Matt is Fire Captain in Wisconsin and in his "spare" time works as a EMS Life Flight paramedic AND teaches courses. My other brother Mike is in the Army, currently living in Germany with his wife and two boys, after having finished his 4th tour. I have a deeper admiration and respect for those who risk and sacrifice because it is what I come from.

Matt, Me, Mike (OY! My face is all puffy from crying because they were leaving from a surprise visit)

I will continue to offer words of comfort to my friends and the families and loved ones of those souls who were lost to US. I will continue to think of and pray for them in hopes that in some strange cosmic way it brings US all peace. I will continue to voice my profound gratitude and respect to the men and women who risk and sacrifice their lives on a daily basis to protect US. I don't care what religion, race, creed, color or political affiliation, at the end of the American citizens in this country............we all bleed Red, White, and Blue.

So, hold your loved ones close, pray for your enemies, forgive those who have wronged you, forgive yourself, keep an open mind and a willing heart and by the grace of God, or whomever you pray to if at all, be thankful for the FREEdom you have in this *very* moment to live the lives you lead, to love who your heart chooses and to make reality the most impossible of dreams....

......and Never Forget.

"We few.......we happy few....."

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