Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I'm sitting propped up on my bed listening to the sound of the rain falling heavily outside, and the cars that splash by my house. It was a long day at work, and I was able to leave and get home in time to spend just a few minutes with my kids before their Dad picked them up for their scheduled weeknight with him. Handsome didn't want to go because he had gotten his report card today. It wasn't his best report card, but it wasn't his worst. He was fearful of his father's reaction, and understandably so. I digress...

This morning's report of Smokin' Joe Frazier was a sad one, then when I was leaving work I learned that Heavy D passed away today too! He was only 44 years old. SO young. My Mom died when she was only 42. It's sad to think that we are all getting older. I used to dance my ass off to Heavy D and the boys. "Now That We Found Love" was one of the favorite tracks me and my crew busted a move or two to. And by crew I mean me and my High School boyfriend Brian, and his friend Jeremy. Brian was an AMAZING artist and would airbrush all my shit. We used to call Jeremy "Z" because that's what his last name starts with. They were two white dudes who could dance and me. We'd rehearse in my driveway with my boombox blaring from the floor of the garage, and then perform at clubs around the city. then B and I broke up, and we all graduated and moved on. They both went to a different school than I did. As I sit and rack my brain, I for the life of me can't remember how we met. I *think* Z worked with my bestie back then at a Men's clothing store called JW. Her name is Jess, but she went by the nickname Mooch.

Ahhh Mooch. She earned that lovely nickname because she would indeed mooch money from people during lunch. lol I talk a little more about her in my blog

Beantown to Right Now...

Her, her husband and three boys live in Quincy, MA and I hope I get a chance to see them when I go back to Boston in the Spring. :) There is a trip I plan on taking in March and it involves my beloved #TeamIceCream girls Mel and Roxi. Rox is from MA, but lives in NC now,  and she is always willing to go home. Mel has never been, and me? Well, for me....it's time for me to go back. A trip that is long overdue.

Mel and I are also planning a road trip to NYC next summer sometime. WITH our kids. The plan is to rent a vehicle big enough for all of us and hit the road. My son has asked me more than once in the last few weeks alone when I will take him because he *really* wants to go. My daughter on the other hand is a bit more apprehensive, but she's quite the worry wart so this is not unusual. We'll see what happens. I also have my cousin's wedding to go to in Kentucky next June......yup.....Louisville. That reference will only be understood by a few who read this. My cousin is from here but her and her fiance found a lovely estate to get married on, so that's where I will go to share in their joy!

Christmas will be quiet in my house this year as my kids will spend it with their Father and my rents will go to Georgia to spend it with my baby brother. I won't go with them because I won't be able to take that kind of time off from work. Retail hours and all. I have an open invitation to go to Mel's, but I'm thinking, me and a good book, a little Joe Mac on the mp3 and some hot chocolate will be how I want to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. I'll get my kids later that day and spend a little time with them.  We'll see. No need to decide just yet.

New Years Eve might be spent doing the same thing. Who knows. Right now I have Michael Buble singing You and I so sweetly, and a perfect steak is calling my name. Even if my bestie is the only one who generally comments, I know she's not the only one who reads my posts and I take comfort in that. Of course we all know, I'd write them regardless. However, I've since discovered upon beginning this blogging journey, that I much prefer to blog when I feel inspired to do so.

When all is said and done, a lot more is said than done. I'm usually too busy "doing" that the saying becomes less of a priority. Taking the time to blog is a way for me to stop and just be. I like to think that you taking the time to read them is your way of stopping for just a moment to take a breath too. So what do you say to stopping and breathing together again soon? :)


  1. You need to stop and breathe more often.

    Take a leftie. ;)

  2. LOL! Got it now. I breathe....more than you kid. I just do it while moving.

  3. I read, but like you, my Kindred, my priorities have a lot of doing and less saying. Ps. I can't wait til this spring. ;)

  4. Awww my sweet Kindred. Don't ever feel like to have to comment for me to know you're there. ;) Love you. P.s.- Me either! we just have to get through a long winter.
