Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Stubborn German with an Irish Temper...

I slept like shit last night. Yes I realize it seems like a redundant thing to say as I don't tend to sleep all that much. However, I actually went to bed last night with the intention to sleep as I had two 10 hour work days ahead of me. That process failed. lol I tossed and turned the entire night. And when Rabbit walked into my room 15 minutes before Jordan was supposed to "doodle" (BH's will know what that means), I was already in a bad mood. Then, 15 minutes later I get a text from my son asking me to pick him up from his friend's house, so I flew out of bed, brushed my teeth, put my bra on and a ball cap and out the door I went.

Came home, fixed Rabbit a bowl of cereal and got ready for work. Found Handsome in his room laying under blankets watching TV, NOT cleaning his room. He wasn't feeling so hot. I told him to take it easy and let Gma know if he needed anything. I kissed and hugged Rabbit goodbye and out the door I went. As I'm driving to work, she texts me wanting to know if she can go to the community center with her friends. I call her and tell her that's fine as long as she leaves a note for Gma and tells her brother where she's going. This is the note she ended up leaving.....

She's so frakkin cute.

Moving on...

Within the first 20 minutes of arriving at work, we had two bloody noses and two kids who threw up, not to mention a jump that went down. Yup. Definitely a Saturday at work. I had long before that fixed my mood by Gibb's slapping the back of my *own* head, so I was prepared to roll with whatever the day was gonna throw at me. I had noticed a missed call from my Mom, but thought it was kid related and really didn't think much of it. Thinking that maybe Rabbit had forgotten to write the note, and since we were so busy at work I figured I'd just call her on my break. If it were an emergency surely she would call the store directly.

So when I sat down to eat my salad and called her, I wasn't expecting her to tell me she was sitting in the hospital because Pops had been admitted. She then informed me that they had left the house sometime after midnight, unbeknown to me, to go the hospital because he was having chest pains. Shockingly she told me that shortly after arriving there in the wee small hours of morning he was already telling the doctors that he had a blockage and they needed to open it up. The man has spent his entire life barking orders at people, the doctors had no chance of escape.

He was right of course, which *really* made the doctors like him *that* much more as a patient. OY!

Pops has had 6 heart attacks in his life.....that we're aware of. The first of which was when he was just 33 years old. He is now 60. Today they ended up putting in 2 more stents....for a grand total of 5 he now has. He's had 3 bypass surgeries, and currently has an ICD in place as well. Add that to his kidney transplant two years ago and the man is a walking Frankenstein.

Looks like he may be released by Tuesday but with his fragile health condition they want to play it by ear. I find it rather ironic that my bestie just posted THIS blog the other day...

I am beyond blessed to be surrounded by the people in my life that have offered their thoughts and prayers for me and my family today. The fact that they would take the time out of their busy lives to do just that humbles me to no end. If you are reading this.....Thank You.

The man is an old fashioned Air Force vet and very set in his ways. Good luck to the next man I get serious about. Here's a to him about airplanes or fishing and you're IN. Just don't try to make him think you know more than he does about airplanes, because, might as well just shoot yourself in the foot. The man is not only a trained pilot, but an engineer by trade with boxes of airplane parts and a an unfinished airplane he was in the process of building. It's a Cozy something rather. A two-seater I think. I don't know much about them, but the frakkin parts boxes are all over the basement.

Not sure he ever has any intention of actually finishing it. I think it makes him sad to think he couldn't actually fly it if he did because of his health. Makes *me* sad. It was a dream of his that will never be realized.

He's rough around the edges and oftentimes I wanna punch him square in the face for being such an ass, but...he has taught me some of the most important things a Father could teach a daughter. Especially since he was stuck with 3 girls and no boys. I have soaked in his knowledge throughout the years and am who I am in large part because of him. He's a stubborn German with an Irish temper that he lovingly passed on to me....along with his craptastic kidneys. I am convinced, that it is *because* of these traits he still has a few years left to bark more than a few more orders at anyone who crosses his path.  :)

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