Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Watering Roots with LOVE...

I had today off which was a good thing, as I haven't been feeling so hot since Sunday. I rarely get sick and I don't make a very good patient. I have the opposite behavior of the typical "big baby" when I do get sick. I have a tendency to be in denial. Being sick means slowing down, and I'm a bit stubborn when it comes to that.

I spent my morning doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen and then decided that perhaps I should for once in my stubborn ass life take a moment for myself and just BE. So, I lit a candle in my room, turned Pandora on the computer, made a cup of hot tea and picked up a book I keep trying to finish. Believe it or not I finally finished the damn thing a little while ago. Not without getting sidetracked a few times though.

I think that is part of having a creative mind. Always thinking, always creating. Ideas always tumbling around. As I closed the book after the last page and sat still for a few moments just breathing and listening to the sound of the piano playing in the background, I took in my moment of Zen and realized I don't take enough time for myself. I think that may be true for a lot of us.

We go through life at a hurried pace, moving from one thing to the next like stepping stones. Oftentimes with our head down and off to the grind, like a hamster on a wheel, failing to stop, to take a breath and be thankful for the moment. Or we're too busy thinking about what HAS to be done before it's "too late". It's hard to take a step back and realize what HAS to be done sometimes is simply just to BE. If you are so busy with your head down just trying to "get through" the day and at the end of it you  haven't seen or heard one thing that moves you, brings you joy, brings others joy, or makes you think, then what is it you have actually accomplished? It simply adds and builds to your level of stress. When you reach a breaking point....your decision making skills suffer. The way you treat others and consequently yourself suffers.

I speak from experience. Both from the standpoint of adding to anothers stress and from being on the receiving end of someone adding to mine. It is in the quiet moments of zen that we reflect and admit our wrongs, pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and carry on.

If you don't take a moment for yourself every now and then, you will have nothing left to give anyone else. Don't think of that as being selfish, think of that as contributing to to your Giving Tree. You have to water the soil in order for it to grow. To try and grow without tending to the roots is impossible. Think of your soul and your spirit and your heart as the roots. Water them.....often. Fertilize them (why do I hear my besite's laughter as I type that word?) by surrounding yourself with those who lift you up. Who shine light on you with LOVE and encouragement. Cut out the weeds. AKA Those who bring you down. Those who discourage you from trying. Those who discourage you from loving.

Even if you have to get out of your OWN way sometimes.

Moving through this world with the idea that it is only Black or White will cause you to miss out on a world full of color. I, for one, choose to live in a world full of color. You get back what you put in. It is ALWAYS about the journey. Do not be afraid to fail. Learn from your mistakes and move forward without regret.

Just don't take people for granted. EVERYone has bad moments, sometimes bad days. It simply means we're human. Besides, what was the quote? Oh yes, "Perfect people aren't very interesting."

And for cripes sake STOP, BREATHE, and for a moment- or 8 minutes a week ;)- simply BE.

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