Monday, September 12, 2011

Multiple Choice....

When I..... tired, I get quiet.

...wait too long too eat, I get a headache, lethargic...and quiet. "ordered" to do something.....I get angry and defensive. angry I am impulsive and way too often speak before I think. pms'ing.....I withdraw. Piping hot french fries and a big ass Coke with extra ice are my cure. Just give them to me without saying a word and I will melt. happy, I am a 6yr old energizer bunny. interested in someone, I get extremely shy. comfortable with someone I will introduce them to my sarcasm font and see how they handle it. most comfortable in my own skin when I'm with my bestie. embarrassed I stop talking. in love........I am ALL in. I don't do love halfway....and I don't give up easily. inspired, I create. awake....I think and I move.....and move....and MOVE. I am ALWAYS thinking. ALWAYS moving. confident.....I sing. It takes a LOT for me to record and upload, because when it comes to my craft I am a perfectionist. I rarely like hearing the playback of myself. Drives Mel crazy! lol ignored or dismissed I doubt myself. hurt....I stop talking and withdraw. Then my own personal pit bull comes out swingin. Not because I can't defend myself, but because she's fed up with me getting hurt. By *anyone*.

...I hear music, I dance. Whenever, wherever, with or without anyone else. If I don't have a floor, I dance in my head. exhausted and stressed I cry in the shower and let the tears wash down the drain so no one sees me weak. moved I cry wherever. I wear my heart on my sleeve. wrong, I admit it and want to right it. creating I am happy. dancing I am happy. singing I am happy. loving I am happy. loved for just being me......well....still waiting for that......but I know I'll be happy because it will be built from an honest place! :)

Women are complicated creatures aren't we? These? These are my Cliff notes. ;)

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