Saturday, September 3, 2011

Meanwhile.....Back at the Batcave....

Holy crazy busy day at work Batman! Short staffed and being up 174% on our day makes for at *least* one customer complaint. Well, kind of. A visibly frazzled Mom came up to the front desk in the middle of a check-in rush tonight. She cut in line, held up her toddler and snapped, "I need a band. This is my child and I need a band." Now, the wristband on said child had been pulled on and looked a bit mangled, so I assumed that she wanted me to replace the one on her child, until another Mom behind her said, "No. SHE needs one."

I looked at the Mom and calmly said, " Okay." Our wristbands are color coded for security reasons. The kids get one color and the adults get a different one. So, I just switched colors. Easy. As I'm doing this the lady says to her friend with a lovely snotty voice, " Well, I SAID *I* need one, not my kid." So, me being me, I smiled and said, " I'm sorry that I didn't know what you needed it for." Her response was, "It's not that hard."

I said to her, "Okay, " and I gave her the band. She then whips by my part timer and says to her, "That lady needs to be fired."  *sigh* People. SMH

Meanwhile........back at the Batcave.......I'm finally sitting down for a length of time since this morning. My body hurts from running around and my mind is on overdrive. It'll take me a while to wind down, but I have Psych to keep me company. This is one of my favorite shows. The banter between the two main characters Gus and Sean is perfection to me. It's the kind of witty repartee that Mel and I constantly have. *shrug* The show just makes me happy. The new season doesn't start til October, and I can't WAIT to see the episode that Joe Mac guest stars on. Gonna be fun! :)

That's pretty much all I have to report tonight, other than my Hawkeyes won today! WOOO!!!!

Nothing deep or reflective tonight , because quite frankly I'm not in a great frame of mind, so I'm gonna lay in bed for a while, see who wants to play Words with Friends and chill. 10 hour day tomorrow, so I need to decompress tonight.

Enjoy your night, hold the ones you love close and remember, if you wake up tomorrow then you have another chance to get it right. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a crappy day. But, like you said. You've got tomorrow to get it right. ;)
