Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dance with Me.......

My intentions were to sit down a pound out a blog last week, and then, well, that didn't happen. Thanksgiving sprung quick and then I stumbled face first into a fist I like to refer to as "Whatever-the-shit-this-is". Otherwise known as the flu.

The entire management team at work is sick, however the other two had not only a head cold, but the stomach flu as well. I have lucked out in that ball o' fun as of yet and am praying it passes over me. It started with Mom, then moved to Pops, but with his immune system being pretty much non existent he ended up in the hospital with pneumonia. It has now latched onto me and has been trying to kick my ass since last Friday. I'm stubborn though, and as hard as it kicks I kick that much harder. I'm not a martyr by any means. I'm stubborn out of necessity.

I don't have the time to be sick. I'm a Mom. Those of you who are Mothers will know that's reason enough. On top of which, I work at a place where if I don't work, I don't get paid. There is no holiday pay, no sick time. So, I don't work, I don't pay the bills. Not okay. If that means I sacrifice myself and my health then I do. Am I crazy about it? No. I rest when I can and am drinking plenty of fluids. I've had very little appetite and can't sleep so that sucks, but is not that far from normal. The appetite thing is, but I'm sure that will return to normal soon.

The other side of this of course is that I have a very hard time with 'idle'. I have Tuesday and Wednesday off this week and for most of today I did indeed stay in bed. I ran a couple of errands much to my bestie's chagrin, but I *had* to go to the bank today. How was I to know she was gonna surprise me with egg drop soup? lol I was gone when she got here and when I got back a very funny attempt at trying to take my keys away and steal my shoes was made. I needed the laugh. I haven't laughed in a minute and that's not okay either. By the time she left she had me swearing I wouldn't leave my house until I had to work on Thursday, to which I informed her that I had to teach Wednesday night. I then suggested we go to see Breaking Dawn tonight, to which she agreed and then informed me that I was a pain in the ass.

I cannot disagree with that. However, we did in fact go see Breaking Dawn tonight. I was rather disappointed in the lack of shirtless Jacob, and the score sucked, and they messed with the storyline BUT Jacob did say three of my favorite words ever, so it wasn't a total waste.

"Dance with me."

Those three words can take my breath away.  Someone I love said those three very words to me a while ago, taking the air out of my lungs when I read them. He probably doesn't remember, but I do. I remember the night and where he was when he said it. I was at home, and he was on a train and it was the wee small hours of morning. He's not known to sleep much either, so that works in my favor. Anyway, I have it saved and the picture saved. I remember.

My response to him was, "Always."

We have yet to have that dance. When the time is right..............we will. :)


  1. You just *had* to make me cry, didn't you, bish?


  2. Well I can't be the ONLY one crying. *laughing through tears*

    *snifffffff* Dammit, now I can't breathe.
