Friday, August 26, 2011

Battement to the FACE!

Battement (Baht-mahn) french word kick. A "Battement to the face" is a phrase dancers commonly use meaning a REALLY high kick that could reach your own face. And is often used when a dancer is enthusiastic about a piece, or life in general really. lol

Today was a good day. *pause* Yup. A good day indeed. *happy sigh*

Had a chance to watch a little Mike and Mike this morning. I like to have it on when I'm getting ready for work even if I can't see it, the sound keeps me company. Is that weird for a chick? *side eye* I don't watch it much in the summertime though. Too much baseball talk. lol LOVE the game. Love to watch the game live. It bores me to watch it on TV. And I'm not a stats chick so, doesn't do much for me. I pretty much stick to football and basketball.

At work I got into the same discussion I had last night on Twitter. I posed this question to my fellow football fans, "How do you feel about pre season games and games like the pro bowl?" So I asked my co worker the same question. We had an interesting chat. He's more of a basketball fan so we ended up talking about that and I asked him how he felt about the lockout and players going overseas. It was a fun convo!

When I got home from work and shortly thereafter my kids got home from school, Handsome asked, well...first for a snack...then if I'd go out and help him practice shooting. I do not claim to be pro, but I don't suck. I'm much better with a baseball or a football in my hands. He got a helluva pointer from a shooter shooting today, he didn't need me. lol What? What smile that has been stuck on my face all night, I have no idea what you're talking about. ;)

On a completely unrelated note: If you plan on courting me with grunting noises, you should probably rethink that strategy. #justsayin. Letters.....yup. Letters.

Moving on...

*checks time* I go choreograph today. Mel will go with me as my photographer/videographer. I was told by the coach that there is wifi in the building but it's not reliable so, as much as I hope to have a twivid or vid of any kind to upload while I'm working, we'll see. It has been determined that this may very well be the last time she vids for me for a very long time. She goes to NYC for a month in Jan and I don't have any more gigs lined up as of right now. If I end up making the cut for The Voice, I'll  be too busy anyway. Ahhh...the power of positive thinking.  :)

Speaking of letters....Whenever, I miss my 'kids' from up north or question whether or not I'm in the right profession, I grab my binder of letters my girls wrote to me before I left. I already shared the one my Plum wrote me (see Why I Teach...), tonight, I share with you the one Kaitlyn wrote. She was one half of my first hip hop duet at that studio and one of the last Contemporary solos I choreographed before moving. She got Gold at Regionals for the hip hop duet.....and Platinum for my Contemporary piece. #PROUD

Dear Ms. Ann Marie,

Oh my lanta Ann Marie, I have no idea what I’m going to put into this letter. I think I’m going to let my heart, and my “cross-eyed” ways, guide me. Here it goes.

I remember the first time I ever met you. You were sitting in the corner, all prim and proper, and HOLY MAN I was intimidated. We were coming out of a frame for Little Degas Dancer, and I could see something in your eyes. Your mind was working away, and picturing what you could do with us. I am recalling this moment where I thought you were a high school student, going to teach for Keri. Keri said, “Nope, she is going to be a teacher and she is about my age.” I couldn’t believe it. You were young and new, I was very…PUMPED…to get to work with someone different for some of my classes.

At first, I was only in your Junior Hip Hop class. It was my most challenging class, because it was a new thing to me. Oh, and I did a Hip Hop duet with Erica. From Get Your Head in the Game, Doesn’t Matter, Breakin’ Dishes, and Scream… I have definitely learned how to get my groove thing on with a style I would’ve never started if you didn’t come to Hudson Dance Academy. I sometimes wonder. What if Ann Marie came to the studio? We wouldn’t have TRUE Hip Hop. We wouldn’t have modernized Ballet. Ann Marie, your presence has transformed some areas of the studio, but most of all to me, my heart.

I can honestly say, you have showed me my true passion of dance. Somehow, you dug deep into my heart, and made me put it out on stage. I don’t know if you ever noticed that, but I put my all into all of those stages, just for you. You are my inspiration for getting better at dance. I feel like I don’t have to impress you, but I always want to. I want to improve so I can be challenged. Honestly, look at where I started. Mamma I’m a Big Girl Now; my first solo. I loved it so much, but the judges didn’t. They didn’t get the “Ann Marie and Kaitlyn Way.” Then, I wanted to try something different. We spent about three solo times to find the song Overdue Goodbye. This dance got raves from the judges and others. Winning Platinum at the first competition, in the 2008-2009 dance year, for my solo was something that will stick in my heart forever. I was crying backstage before I went on. I was scared, and I was nervous. You stood there though, staring at me, asking what’s wrong. You gave me a hug and started rubbing my hip to make it not feel the pain on the stage. Ann Marie, at that moment, I knew you were the one who deserved to win the Platinum award. In my heart, you won it. Your soul was in my heart for that moment on stage, and I danced that dance for you.

Not only did you bring your style, and elegance to Hudson Dance, you brought some of my favorite kids in the Universe to my life, Mya and Brandon. They are crazy and unique. I can tell you want what is best for them. In this last dance camp (Summer of 2009) you were there by Brandon; pushing, yet comforting him as he was sitting there in his splits for a whole song. Mya was sitting in the corner, flat in her splits, tearing up. At that moment, I realized that you taught them to care for one another, because in the end, your family is the one you can always turn to. After the splits were done, Mya ran over to make sure he was okay. Brandon nodded his head and walked out of the room with his held high. I can tell Brandon and Mya are best friends, and are going to stay best friends, even if they, or you, don’t realize it at times. You have taught me “life lessons” when I am sure YOU are not sure of it. Sassy Mya, and theatrical Brandon, will definitely be considered a Sister and Brother in my mind and heart.

Ann Marie, you have taught me so much, and I am looking forward to be learning more from you. You are a crazy person, with a crazy personality, and granted without you, I wouldn’t have had so many laughs and tears in my life. Most of those are happy tears though. I want to wish you luck with the “hopeful” new Iowa studio, and everything that happens. Please share your love with your Father, and all of your family down there. I will be missing your presence every week, and nothing can surpass your smile and dancing. Always stay the same, because you never know how much you may cut deep into someone until you go away. I know you are not leaving forever, but this is really hard for me. You have taught me allot, and I am looking forward to be working with you again. Come back as much as possible, because I love you. YOU ARE A GREAT FRIEND AND WONDERFUL TEACHER.

Much wishes, and TONS of love,

Kaitlyn Young

 I read these, and remember those moments....that I made a difference. That I shared more than knowledge of my craft, and it meant something. Then, I get ready to approach a whole new group I've never taught before and remind myself to bring with me, my patience, my creative mind, my willing heart and my open arms. And pray to God I remember to wrap my frakkin knee or this could end badly. ;P

1 comment:

  1. You know what I love best about your dancers?

    They see what I see: Infinite Talent.
