Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Purpose...

A while back I was struggling with what it was I was put on this planet to do. I have been dancing since I was in the womb and singing since before I could even form words. I was never really sure what to do with all of that growing up, just that I was born a creative soul and it is how I would live my life.

I will not re-hash the parts of my journey thus far that I have already blogged about. You are free to read them. My past lies in them. I am in the process of moving forward through my future and in my struggle with trying to find direction I finally had an epiphany. It was an idea that came to me and just felt right. I am in the infant stages of creating the life I want and every day is a struggle but there is no reward without the work. Desire is not enough.

 Last Fall I began looking for a place to teach and I saw this little ad on Facebook for a Glaza Studio located in downtown's East Village. I contacted the studio and let them know I was interested in renting a space to teach some classes and wanted to know how much it would be (I'm an independent contractor so I rent space much like a hair stylist rents a chair in a salon). The gal who runs the space then informed me what the studio was all about and that she was actually looking to add classes and wanted to know what I taught. I told her I specialize in Hip Hop and Contemporary but teach everything. We met, discussed a few things and I began teaching beginning the next 8 wk session last October. Although I have the backing of the studio I have to promote myself and my classes.

By the end of that session I had one student. One.

I was a frustrated and depressed, but told her to keep my classes on the roster and we would see what the next session would bring. In January one of our local news stations did a spotlight piece on the studio Workout of the Week: Dance it Out (click on the link to see the video and read the review). My hope was to get a decent enough review that it would generate more interest in my classes. While I was waiting for this to air, I was in the throws of planning my long overdue trip to Boston with my bestie. In this stage of planning I decided to offer a Hip Hop workshop while there. I've had a few people ask me if I would teach the next time I was out East so I thought "Why not?" From that idea Dare2Dance was born.

The news spot aired and much to my delight I, as a teacher, got a great review! By the end of the 2nd session I had 13 students registered and a few drop-ins and have added an Adult Tap Level I and Tap Level 2 class each week.

I am currently working on getting a website up to offer online classes for those who want to take my class but are nowhere near where I teach. Since It is well known that technology and I are NOT friends, I'm gonna have to get Word Press for Dummies or something. Cripes. I'm also struggling with finding a Videographer who can tape and edit the classes for me. It is a work in progress and I welcome any help I can get.

All of what I just wrote is leading up to this....when I got back from L.A. a couple of weeks ago I hit what is commonly referred to as PCD (Post Concert Depression) but I referred to it as Post Boston Depression. we were in Boston, then a week later L.A. then a week after that Chicago. I have said several times before and it is SO very true for me. I. Do. Not. Do. Well. With. Idle.

I NEED to be on the go. I NEED to be busy. I am happiest when I'm not only on the go, but when I'm doing what I love. The problem with that is as a teacher, in any sense of the word, we are not in it for the money. ESPECIALLY dance teachers. Rarely do dance teachers survive on teaching alone. So I came back from these trips with the depressing thought of having to give it up. That it didn't matter anymore. That I needed to go back into retail management and put this dream once again back on the shelf. The problem with that is, in doing so *this* time, I would be giving it up forever. If I stopped now, that would be it. I wouldn't try again.

On top of everything else, I was also having issues with my son. So....I spent a week crying. It happens every now and again when I spend too long being strong. I reach a point where I break. But sometimes things need to fall apart so something better can come together. After last week's hate fest lobbed at my head I had turned that sadness into defeat. Then did what I always do, withdrew. I stopped crying. I took a deep breath and tried to remember my where it is I want to go and what it is I am meant to do.

I addressed the hater and let it go. Immediately after I got an email from my agent with a possible audition for a non-speaking role as an EMT in a 30 second PSA spot on traffic safety. I went to the audition tonight and it was SO quick and SO much fun! You have to understand that this is Corn Country and I'm lucky if I get an audition opportunity once a YEAR.

When I came home and checked my email, there was a letter from one of my current students. After I finished crying, I asked her I I could share it with you. After she made me cry yet again with her response she said it would be okay, so here ya go kids....

Rachel, Ann Marie and Caeli, 

I just wanted to let you all know how much Glaza Studio means to me and how thankful I am to have found it!   

This past year my mom has been having health issues and since then, I have struggled with anxiety.  I was constantly calling her and checking on her and my Dad, just making sure they are both okay.  I had trouble sleeping and it had gotten to the point that I was thinking life was spinning out of control and there was nothing I could do about.  That was about the time Glaza Studio aired as Workout of the Week and I thought, what the hell, give it a try, life can't get much worse.   I have LOVED every minute that I have been at the Studio....well, okay....not every minute......because Piloxing was unbelievably hard and never, ever, ever again will I Pilox! :)   But Hip Hop, Tap and Modern Dance have been my saving grace.  I have been able to refocus my life back on ME again.  I danced as a kid and I had forgotten how much I loved it.  When I dance, whether it's at the Studio, tapping in my kitchen, trying to Hip Hop in the living room or rolling on the floor in Modern Dance, it's the only time thoughts of my mom's health don't creep into my head.   Being able to find that peace has changed my life in more ways than I can express.  And the fact that I'm fitting into clothes I haven't worn in a couple of years is just a bonus (and it's only been one session)!!!!  

Yeah, life is spinning out of control but worrying about it is a waste of time.....especially when I could be dancing!!  Thanks again for being my refuge.

Kym Nitcher


You are exactly why I teach and the EXACT reason why I teach adults. You are NEVER too old to start dancing and to experience the release of endorphins through movement is a blessing. Thank you for being part of my classes and taking away something that I have worked my entire life to give......joy.  This email made me cry in a good way and just as we have become your saving grace, to know that I'm doing something right during a time when I often think I don't matter is a gift. I thank you for this.

I love to see your face in my classes every week and we're only getting started. Would it be okay if I share this letter?


Ann Marie,
 I  can't say thank you enough for what you have done for me.  I was literally on the edge, having panic attacks in all their friggin glory.  It really sucked!!  I felt the world closing in on me.  But since starting to dance, the panic attacks have all but stopped.  I live for Wednesdays and Sundays....right now everything in between is just a filler....just to get me to the next class.   If you taught every night, I'd be the first to sign up!!  Your spirit and self-expression through dance is an inspiration.  Glaza Studios wouldn't be the same without you.  I wouldn't be the same without you.  Thanks so much!   

And you better not cry tomorrow....cuz then I'll start crying and Mike will wonder what the Hell he missed!!!  

I don't mind if you share the letter!   xoxoxoxo

Kym Nitcher
I breathe IN music and breathe OUT dance. To be able to share that with others brings me immense joy. My dream no longer has a shelf for me to put it on. The universe has it now and it will not be contained. There are many things I intend to do and many places I intend to see. Money will come and go. Sometimes I am comfortable and sometimes I struggle.....but through the highs and the lows...whether it is for a class of 1 or a class of 100......I will never stop teaching. I will never stop creating. It is my destiny. My purpose.